Employee onboarding simplified and smoother with organization-specific workflows #OnboardingMadeEasy
In HR, hiring top talent quickly and efficiently is crucial. Embrace technology and e-signatures for a streamlined process. Here's why they're a game-changer.
Unlock Efficiency and Security in Hiring! E-signatures bring efficiency, security, and cost savings. It ensures legal compliance, protects all parties, and streamlines onboarding. We work hand in hand with you to mimic organisation specific workflow which enhances user experience and keeps the learning curve low. Elevate your hiring process for a win-win result!
There are two eSignature methods that are used in Onboarding and Offboarding:
The embedded signature functionality is an in-house functionality. Using this fuctionality, users can sign documents from within the Onboarding instance.
This functionality is supported by Zoho. With the Remote signature support, you can sign documents directly in Zoho, using a web browser or a mobile device. Whenever a signature is required, you will receive an email with a URL and instructions on how to sign the forms. Click on the URL, to sign the document
E-signatures make onboarding and offboarding faster, safer, and paperless. For onboarding, new hires submit important documents, and when employees leave, they review personal and job info. All parties must agree by signing electronically. As an HR admin, choose the e-signature method and set it up to fit your needs.
Candidates and new hires don't need in-office approvals, enabling remote onboarding and benefiting bulk recruitment. This saves costs on paper, printing, and storage, while providing digital documents compatible with automation.
Digital signatures offer ultimate convenience. All involved parties in onboarding can instantly approve documents with a click. It includes authentication with Aadhar, PINs and passwords, plus a time stamp for transparency and easy audits
Digital signatures provide legal protection because they create an audit trail that proves each document was signed by its intended recipient with their consent. This trail prevents any issues related to fraudulent signatures or contracts being altered after signing.
By leveraging electronic signatures, you can track every step of your onboarding process, making it easier to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations regarding employee onboarding procedures and paperwork filing requirements.
For larger companies, onboarding can be a lengthy process due to numerous stakeholders and extensive documentation. Lengthy onboarding can impact employee morale negatively. Digital signatures help streamline this and contribute to eco-friendly practices.
Yes, e-signatures are an increasingly common form of legally binding document, defined and
protected by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (or E-Sign Act).
E-signatures are recognized as valid signatures under the law, meaning they can be relied
upon for their legal effects just as much as a written signature on paper.
E-signatures are admissible evidence in court and can be used to prove consent, contract
enforcement, provide access to online accounts, or verify the identity of a person entering an
agreement. The answer is clear; e-signatures do hold up in court without fail
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